Telecommunications Solutions

     We have a team that understands the entire segment of communication products, services and benefits, and excels in positioning and selling these offerings to targeted customer markets. We understand the unique and growing needs of a diverse customer base, including increased new generation requirements.

     We manage the customer lifecycle, as we acquire, grow, retain and care for your customers. Vision is known for providing consistent, quality service that enhances the image of companies. Delivering key solutions, customer service and teleservices applications. Industry Focussed solutions which allow them to communicate how they want, whether by phone, e-mail, Web or fax.
     Customer Acquisition and Loyalty Programs
     Relationship Marketing/Sales Programs
     Customer Care Programs
     List Acquisition
     Business-to-Business Telephone Account Management
     Customer Satisfaction Surveys/Studies
     Literature and Product Fulfillment
     Contest Programs
     Lead Generation and Qualification
     Loan Application Processing
     Payment Processing
     Account Information
     Soft Collections
     Cross-selling and Up-selling Services